Choice Dictionary with Vibrational Language

Humorous Vibrational Statements

“Shift happens.”

“Ohhh, shift!”

“No-o-o shift.”

“Tough shift.”

“You’re shifting me!”

“Holy shift!”

“You’re full of shift!”

“Look at all of this shift!”

“Hey! What is this shift?”

Dictionary of Choice & Vibrational Language

The Choice Dictionary was developed to assist in raising the awareness of the ideas of choice and vibration in our everyday language.  This is a dictionary of common words and terms that are used with the Language of Choice and Vibration, to help everyone change the way they communicate, shifting focus to the positive from a focus on the negative. Since 2009, the Choice Dictionary of words using positive, vibrational language, has grown more than 15%, and continues to grow.

Align/Vibrational Alignment With
Lining up your vibrations with what you want or desire (so you will magnetize/attract more of those vibrations into your life)

Allowing/Art of Allowing
Letting the desired vibrations of what you want to flow into your life with ease (without resistance)

Always Refining
The choice-by-choice process of consciously choosing a better/ever-improving, higher vibrations of thoughts and/or feelings

Feeling favorable toward something or someone; a feeling/expression of gratitude; appreciation helps to shift up your vibrations on the EVCS with ease

Attraction/Law of Attraction
The power of like vibrations to draw together/magnetize other like vibrations, which in turn creates your experiences

Bad Vibes Vibrations that feel uncomfortable, unpleasant, or offensive

Beliefs/Belief system
An acceptance by the mind that something is true or real; belief system = the pattern of beliefs or set of beliefs through which you choose your vibrations

Choice/Ability to Choose
The first, earliest, or most basic move ability to “activate” any “doing” or action in your life

Choice Awareness
Mindful knowledge of the quality of your choices/how your use them

Choice Point
The point at which every person “activates” his/her energies in one direction or the other

“Choose to” Era
The new era that builds on and moves beyond the previous “how to” era and earlier “permission to” era

Conscious Creating
Creating with awareness; in Just 2 Choices terms, a person is creating with the awareness of his/her choices of vibrations of thoughts/feelings, and the “magnetic” vibrational attraction that takes place as a result

Constriction/Constricting Vibrations
Vibrations that tighten, limit, squeeze or shrink; associated with the emotions at the lower half of the EVCS in the ranges of yellow, orange, and red. (Opposite of expanding vibrations)

Contraction of Vibrations
Tightening, reducing, shrinking of vibrations; associated with the emotions at the lower half of the EVCS in the ranges of yellow, orange, and red. (Opposite of expanding vibrations)

The difference felt when the vibrations between two situations/people are compared; contrast can vary from minor to major, and is a necessary ingredient for you to be able to “sort” vibrations to come to the conclusive choice using your just two choices in every moment

Closing the Gap
Incrementally making the gap on the EVCS smaller between your starting point vibration and your next desired emotional vibration by making positive choices

Dense Vibrations
Tightly packed vibrations; not much space or room for vibrational movement (emotions at the lower half of the EVCS in the ranges of yellow, orange, and red)

Dominant Vibrations
The vibrations that you give your greatest amount of attention to; vibrations that, through repeated choices of action become the prominent or commanding vibrations that magnetize/attract other like vibrations into your life

dreams + action = Reality®
The formula and process used by everyone to create, which uses the one choice of action that is picked from just two choices

The ability or capacity of a body or system to do work, to make things happen and cause changes; different forms of energy include nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic, electrical, kinetic, potential; the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy is never created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another (i.e., into light, heat, sound, etc.)

The Emotional-Vibrational Color Scale; a scale whereby people can identity their choices of emotions/feelings (vibrations) in words, colors of the visible light spectrum and numbers, depending on which of three models used (vertical, arched, spiral)

Every Choice Counts
A reminder phrase that every choice of action (of any type) that you take each day will get processed through the dreams + action = Reality® formula and have an impact on your life

Expanding Vibrations/Expansion
Vibrations that become larger in size, scope or extent; usually associated with the emotions at the upper half of the EVCS in the ranges of green, blue, and violet; although, every movement UP the EVCS from the very bottom of the scale (red) is an expanding vibration compared to the vibration below it

To believe with confidence that what is desired will happen; to look forward to what is desired to happen

A phrase that encourages you to choose the opposite of what has not been working—to what is or will work

Focus/Focus Your Vibrations
Concentrated attention to a subject which creates a primary, dominant vibration, which in turn magnetizes that subject into your life experience.

Give Attention to/Giving Our Attention To
A phrase that describes to which subjects you focus your choices; this focus creates a dominant vibration, which in turn magnetizes that subject into your life experience

Going with the Flow (of Vibrations)
Allowing the vibrations to continue to move and expand, versus to tighten or constrict

Good Vibrations
Dictionary of Choice & Vibrational Language

Go vertical!
A phrase that references moving straight up the EVCS to higher vibrations with positive, expansive vibrations; felt by going to the top of the EVCS and beyond the violet range

Gridwork/Vibrational Gridwork
The vibrational network of like vibrations where people or events of like vibrations magnetize one another and create mutual experiences

High Vibes
Refers to green-blue-violet range of colors on the EVCS and the associated reference words and numbers

How’s Your Vibe/Vibration?
A familiar question among people who talk in vibrational language; similar to “How’s it going?”

Living In The Present Moment/Living In The Now/In This Instant In Time
A phrase that describes a continuous, conscious choice of vibrations in each instant in time; refers to choosing positive thoughts/feelings in each moment (versus choosing negative thoughts/feelings from past experiences or choosing “concerns” regarding future experiences)

Low Vibes
Refers to the yellow-orange-red range of colors on the EVCS and the associated reference words and numbers

To hold a strong attraction for; like vibrations are magnetized or drawn to like vibrations (See p. 131, Illusions, Richard Bach)

Mind Chatter
The mind’s rapid, informal and continuous talk on any subject, although often on unimportant subjects

Now/The Now
Another term for the Present Moment (see below)
Perfect Vibrational Match (PVM)
The matching of vibrations of thoughts and feelings that brings about creating everything; if there is not a perfect vibrational match (PVM), then the conditions are not full for the creation to take place

Point Of Attraction/Vibrational Point Of Attraction
The vibration that a person is feeling right now in the Present Moment; this is a person’s dominant vibration that will magnetize (attract) more like vibrations

Present Moment
This very instant in time that is neither past nor future; the moment in time where every person makes all of his/her choices, either consciously or unconsciously; life is comprised of infinite Present Moments which, after a choice is made, becomes a moment defined as “the past”

Pushing against
Resistance, opposition, refusal; going against the vibrational flow or not going with the vibrational flow; constricts or tightens vibrations

A feeling of lightness or cheerfulness felt when tension or anxiety is released; you gain relief by shifting your vibrations UP the EVCS by way of positive choices of thoughts and feelings, up into the more expansive-feeling emotional vibrations

Pushing against, opposition, refusal; going against the vibrational flow or not going with the vibrational flow; constricts or tightens vibrations

Scattered, Random Thoughts/Feelings
Thoughts or feelings that lack order, a specific pattern, plan or focus; in a vibration-base world, such thoughts/feelings result in scattered vibrations, which lead to scattered vibrational attractions/inconsistency in creating

Sloppy Choices
Choices that lack order, a specific pattern, plan or focus; in a vibration-base world, such choices lead to creating with inconsistency

Sloppy Thinking/Feeling
Thoughts or feelings that lack order, a specific pattern, plan or focus; in a vibration-base world, such thoughts/feelings result in scattered vibrations, which lead to scattered vibrational attractions/ inconsistency in creating

Shift Your Vibration
A suggestion for a person to move his/her vibration from the vibration that it is currently at; emphasis is on shifting to a vibration that is higher UP on the EVCS

Shift In Vibration/Vibrational Shift
The occurrence of a movement or change of vibration that is either up or down the EVCS

Shifting Vibrations
Moving one’s vibration or vibrations that are in the process of moving

So The Next Choice of Vibration Is?
A phrase which acknowledges a person’s present choice of vibration and encourages this person to consider picking a higher vibration as his/ her next choice in order to move up the EVCS

Spiral Up/Down the EVCS
A phrase that refers to the direction a person is choosing to move on the EVCS; spiraling up the EVCS expands energy; spiraling down the EVCS tightens/constricts energy; (refer to spiral EVCS, p. 93, Just 2 Choices)

Split Vibrations
A condition where a person has his/her choice of Thought (T) on one side of the arched EVCS and choice of Feeling (F) on the opposite side, or vise-versa

Starting point vibration (SPV)
On any subject, the identification of the very first emotional vibration associated with that subject, located on the EVCS (in words, colors, and/or numbers)

Super Choice!
A phrase that refers to a person’s making a choice that is all out, high vibe, and filled with an extraordinary amount of positive energy

Think Vibration
A phrase that encourages a person to look at the any situation in terms of the vibrations felt—those sent out as well as those sensed (received) in a vibration-based world
Unconscious Creating
Creating without the awareness of vibrations of Thoughts (T) and Feelings (F) and how they magnetize in a vibration-based world
Vibe Out
A phrase that refers to what a person does when vibrations are not a match or not in harmony with another person or situation

Vibe Over
A phrase the refers to what person does when he/she becomes aligned vibrationally with another person or situation

Vibe Up / Vibe Down
A phrase the refers to a person’s choice of vibration regarding the direction he/she moves up or down the EVCS

Vibration-Based World
The world made of atoms that everyone lives in; atoms are the building blocks of matter and atoms vibrate, therefore everything made of atoms vibrates

Vibrational Gridwork
The vibrational network of like vibrations where people / events of like-vibrations magnetize one another and create mutual experiences in this vibration-based world

Vibrational Playground
A lighthearted term for the vibration-based world that everyone lives in all day, every day

Vibrational Point Of Attraction
Each person’s choice of vibration of Thought (T) or Feeling (F) right now in this Present Moment; a person’s vibrational points of attraction on any subject accumulate to create a dominant vibration, which in turn will magnetize more like vibrations

Vibrationally Speaking
A lead-in phrase that establishes or sets the framework for the topic in a discussion

A desire to do, be, or have something
Yes = Yes, No = Yes
A reminder phrase that in a vibration-based world, it’s the dominant vibration, i.e., the vibration that you choose to give your greatest amount of attention to, that will magnetize other like vibrations into your world; therefore, when you make your dominant vibration a strong “Yes” on a subject, you magnetize more of what you want; likewise, when you make your dominant vibration a strong “No” on a subject, you magnetize more of what you don’t want because like vibrations attract like vibrations

Choice-Based Language Terms

Just for the fun of it, we have added some Choice-based language terms to our Choice Dictionary in order to to raise your awareness about choice. Choice is everywhere you are and everywhere you go. You create your life all day every day at every Choice Point, which “activates” your Choice Moments, which in turn accumulate to create your Choice Reality.

Select a Choice Activator for Awareness Terms and Ideas

Choice Doing

  • Choice Action
  • Choice Activity
  • Choice Creation
  • Choice Energies
  • Choice Focus
  • Choice Fun
  • Choice Investment
  • Choice Learning
  • Choice List
  • Choice Living
  • Choice Move
  • Choice Plan
  • Choice Power
  • Choice Practice
  • Choice Project
  • Choice Results
  • Choice Review
  • Choice Skills
  • Choice Strategy
  • Choice Tracker
  • Choice Training

Choice Events

  • Choice Adventure
  • Choice Day
  • Choice of the Day
  • Choice Experience
  • Choice Magic
  • Choice Matters
  • Choice Moments
  • Choice Opportunity
  • Choice Possibility
  • Choice Reality
  • Choice Revolution
  • Choice Time

Choice Ideas

  • Choice Aha!
  • Choice Anatomy
  • Choice Awareness
  • Choice Circuit
  • Choice Concept
  • Choice Connection
  • Choice Learning
  • Choice Mindset
  • Choice People
  • Choice Point
  • Choice Principles
  • Choice Secrets
  • Choice Skillset
  • Choice Standard
  • Choice Story
  • Choice Stuff
  • Choice Success
  • Choice Things
  • Choice Thoughts
  • Choice Transformation
  • Choice Word
  • Choice World

About Choice

Every Minute – every Hour – every Day – every Week – There are opportunities for Choice. Start, today, by identifying all the Choices you make, & consciously making those that move you in the direction you desire. #ItsAllaChoice

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Contact Rico Racosky

Rico Racosky


(303) 928-9368


“Not one of us knows what great things we can achieve until we make positive choices to find out for ourselves!”

Rico Racosky

New Story Guy, Just 2 Choices

Copyright © 2013-2025 Just 2 Choices | PO Box 17220, Boulder, CO 80308