Start your own Choice Revolution!
choice university

Welcome to Choice University!

At first—for all of us—learning something new in life can feel a bit awkward, no matter whether it’s learning to snowboard, play a new sport or musical instrument, skydive, scuba dive, dance, or how to use your new cell phone.

What is Choice University?

Choice University helps us understand how our choices limit our ability to tell a new story, or to live a new life.

Why does Choice matter?

As you have already experienced in life many times before—once you practice something a few times, it begins to feel more natural and comfortable as it becomes your “new normal” way of living. Your new story! That’s the purpose of Choice University—to give you powerful “choice tools” that sharpen your choice making skills—so you can confidently step into making those new, better, and ever-improving choices that will quickly and easily make living your dreams and goals your “new normal” way of life.

“May the Choice be with you!”
Just 2 Choices—Ch. 11

“Choice is life and life is choice.”
Just 2 Choices—Ch. 1

Now it’s YOUR turn

Discover how easy it is to live your entire life based on Just 2 Choices—literally. Choice is life, life is choice, and every choice “activates” an new choice experience in your life. Which choice experiences will you choose to “activate”?  What decisions will YOU make to reach your goals?

How can you make better Choices?

  1. Be aware of what direction you want to go.
  2. Use resources, such as those found on this site, to guide your decisions.
  3. Trust that you DO know what’s good for YOU.
  4. Practice making choices by being keenly aware of each choice you make, and if it will move you toward your goals.
  5. Get some fresh “choice ideas” from the simple Choice Videos.
  6. Use the guided learning visuals on the free Choice PDFs available here.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you reach your dreams and goals—because all of life and every dream and goal is done “by choice.”

Tell your new story!  Set yourself free!

About Choice

Every Minute – every Hour – every Day – every Week – There are opportunities for Choice. Start, today, by identifying all the Choices you make, & consciously making those that move you in the direction you desire. #ItsAllaChoice

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Contact Rico Racosky

Rico Racosky


(303) 928-9368


“Not one of us knows what great things we can achieve until we make positive choices to find out for ourselves!”
Rico Racosky

New Story Guy, Just 2 Choices

Copyright © 2013-2025 Just 2 Choices | PO Box 17220, Boulder, CO 80308